Here are some things we know we know
for sure…

1) We want to present the best quality food & drink that we are capable of.

A passion for good bread and coffee is what started us on this path, and we have no intention of veering in another direction.

2) Workers deserve safety, fairness and dignity.

We believe in the importance of fostering a workplace culture that: prioritizes respectful behaviour and communication, is dedicated to physical, mental, and emotional well-being, has an awareness of systems of oppression and barriers faced by marginalized groups of people, and is dedicated to anti-oppression and anti-colonial principles.

We believe that workers deserve living wages, a work-life balance, and access to resources that allow them to take care of their health.

3) People who come through our doors deserve to be treated with respect.

We strongly believe in the power and importance of everyday human interactions. This doesn’t always mean that each interaction will be perfect, or that no one is entitled to a bad day. It means that we strive to create and support the conditions in which our team can bring compassion and clarity to each interaction.

4) We are in service to the broader community.

Businesses are important spaces in communities. They are gathering places, places where people go to seek refuge, to seek connection, to cheer up, to work, to study, to access amenities. We take our role in the community to heart, and we understand that we are in a shared space.

5) We care about using our position and platform within the food industry conscientiously.

Businesses are not apolitical. They have power and political clout, and we have social and moral obligations to contribute positively. The food industry has a long way to go in raising the bar on ethical standards and overall working conditions.

We have used our platform to advocate for higher minimum wages, paid sick days, and better community care/crisis intervention.